Our Contract With You

Our Contract With You

Helping Every Child Reach Their Full Potential

Shared Responsibilities

Education is a lifelong process, and parents, children, and the school share responsibilities within it.

In order for all children to achieve their best, parents, children, and the school must work together in partnership.

This contract is a formal statement of this partnership. Parents will be given a copy of the signed agreement for their reference. We encourage you to share this agreement with your child.

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As a School We Will Provide:

  • A balanced curriculum (ACE Curriculum)
  • Encourage all children to achieve their full potential
  • Provide a safe, secure, and disciplined environment
  • Emphasize care and respect for all
  • Inform parents about any concerns or problems regarding their child's work or behavior
  • Provide appropriate homework
  • Provide regular feedback on your child's progress and Quarterly Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Keep you informed about the life of the school
  • Provide a school prospectus and other relevant information
  • Biblical teachings on Christian character. Scripture memorization, daily devotions, weekly chapel
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As a Parent I Will:
  • Support the aims and life of the school
  • Encourage my child to do his or her best at all times
  • Encourage my child to respect and care for other people and their property
  • Read and support the school's behavior and discipline policies
  • Meet with staff quarterly to support my child's progress
  • Ensure my child attends school regularly and is properly equipped
  • Ensure my child arrives at school on time and is collected promptly at the end of the day
  • Inform the school by telephone before 8:00 a.m. if my child is unable to attend or will be late
  • Keep the school informed of any changes which may affect my child's work or behavior
  • Ensure that personal information needed by the school is kept up to date (medical & emergency)
  •  Allow my child to use protected sites on the internet for research assignments

As a Student I Will:

  • Always do my best and use my time wisely
  • Be polite and honest
  • Care for and respect others
  • Listen to and treat with respect the adults in school
  • Obey the school rules
  • Try to get to school at the right time every day
  • Wear my school uniform and bring the things I need for school every day
  • Care for the school, its equipment, and its surroundings
  • Always do my homework properly and bring it back on time
  • Make sure that I pass on any information from the school to my parents on the day that I receive it and return the envelope with my parent's signature back to the school the next day 
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